2024 Global Ecommerce Website Bestseller List (Jan) is now revealed!!! In 2023, many DTC (Direct-to-Consumer) brands underwent unprecedented changes.Despite a decrease in overall transaction volumes compared to the peak in 2021, numerous brands achieved successful transactions or went public. Well-known brands like Mielle, Great Jones, and Otherland were acquired, while the parent company of Il Makiage and Spoiled Child, Oddity, as well as Birkenstock, applied for initial public offerings. With the arrival of 2024, Goodsfox will focus on the hot-selling products and stores on Ecommerce websites in January. Source:GoodsFox Source:GoodsFox Source:GoodsFox 🌟 January Ecommerce Website New Product Observations: Tank tops, hoodies, outdoor functional shoes, and other products are trending! 👇 According to data from GoodsFox , here are […]